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Sheila Melosu
Sheila has worked with the SiciliAmbiente Documentary Film Festival organization since 2009.
During the first two years, she worked in logistics and as the organizational secretary. By the
third year, she was promoted to Project Manager of the Festival and President of the
promotional association for the event, Cantiere7. After meeting Antonio Bellia, she has
collaborated on various documentaries produced by Demetra Produzioni. In 2012, she enrolled
in the Master in Event Management program at Istituto Europeo di Design in Milan in order to
enhance her knowledge of event organization and to supplement her professional experience.
She returned to Palermo in 2014 and collaborated with the CLAC association for the
organization and development of cultural innovation projects and the requalification of the
territory, such as the Ecomuseo Urbano Mare Memoria Viva e Nuove Pratiche Fest. In the same
year, she was director’s assistant to David Riondino for the documentary “La Musica di
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