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Menzione Speciale Cortometraggi
Special Mention Short Films:

Don’t tell anyone

Diretto da/Directed by: Sahar Sotoodeh

Prodotto da/Produced by: Ashkan Ashkani

Montaggio/Editing: Movahhed Shadrou

Musica/Music: Parisa Pirzadeh

Durata/Running Time: 14’50”

Paese di produzione/Country of Production: Iran 2020

Contatti/Contact: associakdistribuzione@gmail.com

Filmography: “Don’t Tell Anyone” (2020), “Hedieh” (2018)

Lingua/sottotitoli: Persian, sub ita

DON’T TELL ANYONE – 1st Prize International Confrontations Competitions – Human Rights Films Interfilm Berlin 2020

[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Sinossi: Baran, una ragazza di 15 anni molestata dal padre, se ne va di casa in cerca di aiuto insieme al suo segreto.

Synopsis: Baran, a 15-year-old girl who is molested by her father, leaves home with her secret in search for help.


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