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Capo e croce. Le ragioni dei pastori – Heads and tails. The reasons of the shepherds
First prize “Il Faro”to the best documentary
The first prize IL FARO is assigned to a film which tells us the story of a conflict between an ancient community, which feels abandoned and misunderstood, and which fights to defend its own rights, against the authorities which adopt violent repression.
Marco Antonio Pani and Paolo Carboni followed for many months the struggle which the shepherds of Sardinia make to survive.
Directors’ belonging to this community and their liking for the protagonists didn’t stop them from filming with objectivity.
The jury is very impressed by the high quality of the images and of the editing which value the energy and the great dignity of the protagonists.
In June 2010, thousands of shepherds from Sardinia joined their forces: the shepherds invaded ports, airports, roads, and occupied the regional government’s palace to achieve dignity and a fair price for their products. This film is an unusual journey through their reasons and their daily life.
Marco Antonio Pani,was born in Sassari on October 15, 1966. He holds a degree in Film Directing (2002) from the CECC (Spain) and in Cinematography (2007). Among his noteworthy works are the short film “Panas” and the documentary “Arturo torna dal Brasile”. In 2013, he made “Capo e Croce” and edited “Ìsura da filmà”, about documentarist Fiorenzo Serra, with music by Paolo Fresu. He currently teaches Film Directing at the University of Catalunya in Barcelona. He is the president of the association Moviementu, rete-cinema-sardegna, which reunites writers, skilled laborers, producers and operators in Sardinia.
Paolo Carboni,born in Cagliari on September 23, 1966, is an independent director and producer. At the end of the ‘80s he trained as a camera operator and worked for many years with regional and national broadcasting stations. In 2006, he attended the Holden school in Torino and, in 2007, made the documentaries “I giganti della Montagna, “Storie di donne” and “Circolare Notturna”, the last about temporary employment. He won the 2010 award for best documentary at “Il Cinema racconta il Lavoro” for his documentary “Cattedrali di sabbia”. Hi is among the founders of the Babel Film Festival of Cagliari, which is the first festival dedicated to films made in minority languages.
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Directed by: Marco Antonio Pani e Paolo Carboni
Produced by: Marco Antonio Pani e Paolo Carboni – Areavisuale
Editing: Marco Antonio Pani
D.O.P.: Marco Antonio Pani e Paolo Carboni
Music: Mauro Palmas
Sound: Stefano Guzzetti
Time: 104’
Country of Production: Italia 2013
Contact: capoecrocesocial@gmail.com
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