This year, SiciliAmbiente will hold a series of film screenings the weekend before the festival, to kick-off the season in Macari, Castelluzzo and San Vito Lo Capo!
With the cultural association Eikon, we are proud to present their project FeelMare, where films are screened in the most beautiful town squares of Sicily on their traveling Ape Piaggio! 🐡
And with a special floating screen, we will bring cinema to the SEA in San Vito Lo Capo… 🐟
Don’t miss out, save the date!
Friday, July 14 9:30 pm, Piazza Castelluzzo, Castelluzzo
Captain Fantastic by Matt Ross (120’); USA 2016
Saturday, July 15 9:30 pm, Harbor of San Vito Lo Capo
The Last Catch by Markus CM Schmidt (85’); Germany 2012
Sunday, July 16 9:30 pm, Piazzetta S. Giovanni, Macari
Wangki, the silence of the whales, by J. G. De Freitas, M. V. Rivara (55’); Italy, Nicaragua 2014
Monday, July 17 9:30 pm P.zza C. Barbera, San Vito Lo Capo
Lo Scambio, by Salvo Cuccia (93’); Italy 2016