The graphics for the 9th edition of SiciliAmbiente are inspired by the current theme of sustainable tourism. The artistic director Antonio Bellia’s comments follow:
“The United Nations have declared 2017 as the international year of sustainable tourism. We chose to support the initiative by using this concept as a base for our new graphics: the projector on the beach symbolizes the characteristics of sustainable tourism. of a way of travel which respects the environment, and in which nature, social welfare and art are protagonists, but without interfering with the identity and the resources of the land which is hosting the tourists. Sustainable tourism, in fact, aims to favor development, the environment and struggling economies. Since San Vito Lo Capo is a tourist town, we welcome these directives for the SiciliAmbiente Festival, the goal of which has always been, since the first edition, to bring together the three principles of the environment, culture and social welfare into a single film festival experience.”